Body Gallery

Before and After Results

Confidence is vital to living your best life. We help you feel the best in your body.


We offer the following body procedures to target any area of your body you’d like to enhance.

Tummy Tuck – Patient 12

Buttock Lift – Patient 5

Buttock Lift – Patient 4

Buttock Lift – Patient 3

Buttock Lift – Patient 2

Buttock Lift – Patient 1

Tummy Tuck – Patient 11

Tummy Tuck – Patient 10

Tummy Tuck Male – Patient 2

Tummy Tuck Male Patient 1

Liposuction – Patient 3

Liposuction – Patient 2

Liposuction – Patient 1

Large Weight Loss – Patient 6

Large Weight Loss – Patient 5

Large Weight Loss – Patient 4

Large Weight Loss – Patient 3

Large Weight Loss – Patient 2

Large Weight Loss – Patient 1

Tummy Tuck – Patient 9

Tummy Tuck – Patient 8

Tummy Tuck – Patient 7

Tummy Tuck – Patient 6

Tummy Tuck – Patient 5

Tummy Tuck – Patient 4

Tummy Tuck – Patient 3

Tummy Tuck – Patient 2

Tummy Tuck – Patient 1

Thigh Lift and Tummy Tuck – Patient 1

Arm Reduction – Patient 4

Arm Reduction – Patient 3

Arm Reduction – Patient 2

Arm Reduction – Patient 1

Mommy Makeover Patient 1

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  • A young woman undergoing Plastic Surgery for a Thigh Lift in a field, supervised by Dr. Jack Peterson.Dr. Jack Peterson performs a Thigh Lift procedure on a woman in shorts and boots walking in a field.

    Losing weight can mean many positive changes in your life! You look better, you feel better and your clothes fit better in most instances. But weight loss can also bring new challenges as your body adjusts to its new size.

    One of those challenges is loose, sagging skin in the thigh area. If this is your experience after significant weight loss or aging, Dr. Jack Peterson can help you achieve your body goals with a thigh lift procedure. 

    Thigh lift surgery is designed to reshape the thighs by surgically removing excess skin and fat, which leaves your thighs smooth, firm and better proportioned to your body. 

    Significant weight loss, aging and other factors can also affect the buttocks. Many patients who undergo thigh-lift procedures also choose to combine their procedure with a Brazilian Butt Lift treatment at the same time to restore lost volume and shape to the buttocks area. 

  • A woman undergoing plastic surgery with Dr. Jack Peterson for an Arm Lift.A woman undergoing Arm Lift by Dr. Jack Peterson for plastic surgery.

    Known as a brachioplasty, an arm lift is a surgical procedure that reshapes the under portion of the upper arm from the underarm region to the elbow. It is performed to reduce excess sagging skin that droops downward and tighten the underlying support tissue that defines the shape of the arm.

    Dr. Jack Peterson performs various body surgery procedures, including the abdominoplasty (“tummy tuck”), the Brazilian Butt-Lift and the thigh-lift to treat areas where sagging tissue, stubborn fat and stretched-out skin persist after significant weight loss or as a result of getting older.

    But there’s another body area that is often affected by significant weight loss, aging and genetics: the upper arms. When the arms are affected by these factors, the result can be flabby arms, also known as “bat wings.” But this doesn’t mean you’re sentenced to a life of buying long-sleeved shirts or shirts that are too big so your arms fit. There are options. 

    In addition to performing lift procedures on other body areas, Dr. Peterson performs the brachioplasty or arm-lift procedure, too.

  • A woman undergoing a Butt Lift performed by Dr. Jack Peterson in a field.A woman wearing the Butt Lift, designed by Dr. Jack Peterson, stands in a field with her arms outstretched.

    Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Jack Peterson, offers patients seeking to enhance their buttocks two different procedures to achieve their body goals: the surgical buttock-lift and the non-surgical Brazilian Butt-Lift (BBL).

    While both procedures are popular, many patients ask about which procedure would be the most beneficial for achieving the look they desire for their buttocks.

    Buttock Lift: The buttock-lift procedure, also called a gluteal-lift, is typically ideal for individuals who have lost buttock volume and/or tone and have sagging or loose excess skin in the buttock region. Common causes of this include aging, significant weight fluctuations, massive weight loss, prolonged sun and genetics.

    Brazilian Butt-Lift (BBL): The BBL is a fat-grafting procedure designed to use excess, unwanted fat from another body area to add volume and shape to the buttocks. Learn more about the BBL here. 

  • BodyTite™ is a new sophisticated technology that will revolutionize facial and body contouring by achieving surgical results with minimum scar or the extended recovery time. It accomplishes these significant, long-lasting results in a single procedure utilizing radio-frequency assisted lipolysis (RFAL) which melts the fat and unparalleled contraction of the dermis and underlying connective tissue.

    Now, patients have an option to excisional surgery (such as a tummy tuck or arm lift) which leaves visible scars and requires a longer downtime. The answer for many patients will be found using the BodyTite system which provides a safe and minimally invasive procedure.