
Dr. Peterson Offers Breast Reduction for Men with Gynecomastia in Kansas

Males with overly developed breasts or gynecomastia, struggle with physical strength and chest pain. Fortunately, men in Kansas have an effective solution by means of breast reduction surgery from Dr. JAck Peterson, a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon in Wichita.

What is Gynecomastia?

The presence of excessive breast tissue in males is known as gynecomastia. This can be triggered by varying levels of estrogen and testosterone in the body. Men between the ages of 15 and 35 are most commonly affected, and up to 25% can suffer this condition at some point in their lives. Gynecomastia is not always present on both sides of the body, and typically puberty triggers its appearance.

Health Problems Associated With Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is usually not harmful to your health overall, but it can cause some mental and physical issues. Many men feel self-conscious about their appearance and may even refuse to go swimming or exercise in public. Gynecomastia can also cause chest pain, back pain, and discomfort while wearing clothing.

How Breast Reduction Surgery Helps

Breast reduction surgery or gynecomastia surgery can help eliminate the glandular tissue from the male chest. This can be performed with a procedure known as liposuction. During liposuction, a small incision is made on the chest and a thin tube is inserted to remove the unwanted fat deposits. Another procedure is to surgically cut around the nipple to remove the excessive tissue.

After surgery, men are advised to wear a special compression garment to aid in recovery. Strenuous activities will need to be avoided for several weeks post-surgery to enable the body to fully heal. The final results usually make a vast difference to men’s appearance, and they report a huge boost of confidence.

Why Choose Dr. Peterson?

Dr. Jack Peterson and his team have extensive experience in performing gynecomastia surgery. His facility utilizes the latest technology and the best surgical practices to deliver custom-tailored solutions for each individual patient. Dr. Peterson is certified, which means that you can trust that you are in professional, capable hands.

Dr. Peterson works closely with each patient to explain the process, the risks, the benefits, and to map out a customized treatment plan. He welcomes questions and is dedicated to ensuring the best results possible.

It’s clear that Dr. Jack Peterson is the best choice for men in Kansas seeking breast reduction and relief from gynecomastia. His experience, knowledge, and facilities are second to none in the region and can help patients achieve the look and comfort of which they have always dreamed.