EndyMed iFine

Open Your Eyes to Brighter, More Beautiful Possibilities with EndyMed iFine: The Ultimate Non-Invasive Eye Solution

Welcome to the world of non-invasive eye rejuvenation! Dr. Jack Peterson is delighted to introduce EndyMed iFine, a revolutionary treatment that will open your eyes to new possibilities. Experience superior results in reducing under-eye bags, smoothing and tightening the delicate skin around the eye area, and lifting the upper eyelid for a more open and refreshed look.


EndyEye Platform: A Complete Solution for All Eye Concerns

The EndyEye platform is the complete non-invasive eye solution by EndyMed, the leader in RF Legacy technology. It offers superior results in treating various eye concerns, such as under-eye bags, skin sagging and lifting the upper eyelid. With no pain, no downtime and beautiful results, EndyEye redefines periorbital rejuvenation, providing a safe and effective non-surgical solution for all your eye area concerns.

How Does it Work? The Power of 3 Advanced Technologies

EndyMed’s innovative non-surgical technology combines three powerful technologies in one platform for ultimate results. First, 3DEEP® RF energy is delivered into the skin to stimulate skin tightening, resulting in an instant lift effect. Second, micro-ablative resurfacing stimulates natural wound healing and subsequent dermal remodeling, promoting rejuvenated and glowing skin.

iFine: Tightening and Lifting

Focused volumetric heating with iFine effectively treats the gentle skin around the eyes, including hard-to-reach areas, resulting in an immediate tightening and lifting effect. In just two to three minutes, iFine covers all the periorbital areas, ensuring a quick and efficient treatment session.

INTENSIF: RF Microneedling

Complementing the effects of iFine, INTENSIF RF Microneedling offers localized micro-injury for skin remodeling and collagen renewal. This advanced technology effectively addresses fat pads at the infraorbital area, providing additional rejuvenation for a comprehensive eye treatment.

FSR: Fractional Skin Resurfacing

The FSR feature involves mini ablation of the epidermis for skin rejuvenation and a glowing effect, further enhancing the radiance of your eye area.

Why Choose EndyEye? The Complete Non-Surgical Solution

  • Specially designed to treat delicate and hard-to-reach periorbital areas, ensuring comprehensive rejuvenation.
  • Suitable for all skin types, all year round, offering flexibility in treatment scheduling.
  • Short lunchtime treatments, allowing you to resume your daily activities with no downtime.
  • Experience no pain during treatments and high patient satisfaction with remarkable results.

Unveil the Radiance: Consult Dr. Jack Peterson

Are you ready to reveal your brighter, more beautiful eyes? Consult Dr. Jack Peterson to experience the transformative power of EndyMed iFine. Our team of experts suggests combining various EndyMed products to achieve a customized approach, harnessing their synergistic potential for comprehensive aesthetic solutions. We will tailor treatments to your specific needs, ensuring a personalized and effective journey toward youthful and refreshed eyes.

Discover the magic of EndyMed iFine! Schedule a consultation with Dr. Jack Peterson to embrace the non-invasive eye-rejuvenation journey. Experience the beauty of refreshed eyes with EndyEye – a transformation awaits you!


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