Gallery – Laser Rejuvenation
Sculptra Aesthetic gradually replaces lost collagen
Collagen is a key structural component that keeps skin youthful looking and smooth. As you age, your body’s collagen production decreases, and you may begin to see wrinkles. Sculptra® Aesthetic (injectable poly-L-lactic acid) works to correct shallow to deep facial wrinkles and folds, as it replaces lost collagen, which can help provide a refined, more youthful looking appearance.Sculptra Aesthetic works to replace lost collagen in a series of treatments administered by a Sculptra trained physician. On average, 2-3 injection sessions are needed over a period of a few months. The number of injection sessions and the number of injections per session vary from person to person.
Sculptra Aesthetic works within the deep dermis
Within the deep dermis, your skin’s structure is reinforced as Sculptra Aesthetic helps to replace lost collagen. This reinforced collagen structure provides a foundation that gradually restores the look of fullness of your shallow to deep facial wrinkles and folds that has been depleted over time. The result? Sculptra Aesthetic is different because it gradually and subtly corrects these facial wrinkles. This can provide a refined, more youthful looking appearance that can last up to 2 years.Sculptra Aesthetic is supported with a patient rewards program: Aspire Rewards.
If you would like to hear more about Sculptra® Aesthetic, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Peterson today. Still doing research? Learn why a plastic surgeon is the best and safest choice for all of your injectable treatments here.
Restylane® Lyft, formally known as Perlane®, is an FDA approved injectable hyaluronic gel filler containing lidocaine that restores volume and fullness to the skin to correct moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds such as the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth (nasolabial folds). The gel particles in Restylane® Lyft are larger and Restylane® Lyft is a good choice for wrinkles that benefit from a deeper injection in the skin.
Restylane Lyft is also FDA approved for cheek augmentation and the correction of age-related midface volume loss.
Restylane® Lyft is part of the Galderma family of products that include Restylane, Restylane Silk, Sculptra and Dsyport. The patient rewards program can be found at Aspire Rewards.
If you would like to hear more about Restylane® Lyft, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Peterson today. Still doing research? Learn why a plastic surgeon is the best and safest choice for all of your injectable treatments here.
Restylane® restores volume and fullness to the skin for moderate facial folds and is FDA approved for lip enchancement. Restylane® is part of the Galderma family of products that include Destylane Lyft, Restylane Silk, Sculptra and Dsyport. The patient rewards program can be found at Aspire Rewards.
If you would like to hear more about Restylane®, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Peterson today. Still doing research? Learn why a plastic surgeon is the best and safest choice for all of your injectable treatments here.
Jack Peterson MD is one of the first in Kansas to offer these exciting new fillers! Restylane Refyne and Defyne are next-generation flexible hyaluronic acid fillers that help smooth the appearance of wrinkles and deep-set expression lines while still maintaining a natural look. Made with XpresHAn technology, these new fillers are FDA-approved to treat nasolabial folds, or “laugh lines.” They provide a range of flexibility and support to meet different patient needs. While Refyne is designed to improve the appearance of wrinkles and folds, Defyne is designed to smooth deeper facial wrinkles and folds. The flexible gel allows these fillers to move with your skin, giving your expressions a softer and more natural appearance. Still doing research? Learn why a plastic surgeon is the best and safest choice for all of your injectable treatments here.