
Recovery Guide: What to Expect After Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most sought-after cosmetic surgery procedures in the United States. According to a report by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the number of breast implants increased by 12 percent between 2018 and 2019. Despite its popularity, the recovery process after breast augmentation can still be a bit overwhelming and challenging for the patient. It’s important to fully understand what to expect from your recovery before undergoing the procedure.

Physical Expectations

After undergoing a breast augmentation, you can expect to experience some discomfort and pain for about seven to 10 days. You may also have moderate swelling and bleeding, which will generally increase for the first few days before decreasing. Additionally, you may experience mild to moderate bruising in the treated area. It’s important to avoid over-the-counter blood-thinning medications and alcohol during your recovery, as these can exacerbate your symptoms.

During the first few days post-surgery, you may need to take pain medication to help you manage your discomfort. It’s important to take your medication as directed and avoid strenuous activity for at least six weeks post-surgery. Even after you begin to feel better, it’s important to adhere to your surgeon’s guidelines for a full recovery. It’s also important to keep your follow-up appointments with your surgeon to ensure that the healing process is progressing as expected.

Emotional Expectations

For many patients, the emotional recovery from a breast augmentation can be just as challenging, if not more so, than the physical aspect. Just as with any change in one’s body image, it’s common for patients to feel some emotional “ups and downs” following a cosmetic surgery procedure. Clients might experience anything from anxiety and guilt to excitement and newfound self-confidence.

It’s also not uncommon for patients to begin to feel a bit of “buyer’s remorse” as they begin to recuperate post-surgery. This can be especially true for patients who were attempting to correct a significant self-image issue but find that the emotional contentment they achieve post-surgery is less than they had anticipated. It’s important that patients have open and honest conversations with their surgeon about their feelings. Fortunately, most patients also find that, in time, they start to feel better about the changes they have made.

Social Expectations

Lastly, it’s important to consider the social expectations you may have post-surgery. After breast augmentation, some patients have to make adjustments to their wardrobe to take into account their new breast size. Additionally, it’s important that patients are aware that they will need to wait about six weeks before they can comfortably resume activities like strenuous exercise, household chores and intimacy.

It’s important for clients to consider these social factors and communicate them openly and honestly with their spouse, significant other or family. By creating realistic expectations of the recovery post-surgery, a patient can often better navigate the social expectations as well.


It is important for patients to be aware of the physical, emotional and social aspects of recovery from a breast augmentation. It’s important that patients have open and honest conversations with their surgeon and their family and friends so they have a detailed understanding of their recovery and what to expect.

While every client is different and will have a unique experience, in time, most patients find that they are able to move past the initial “bumps in the road” of recovery post-surgery and appreciate the changes that have been made. With a good understanding of what to anticipate, a supportive network of friends and family, and a willingness to communicate openly with their surgeon, patients can look forward to a successful recovery and enhanced self-image post-surgery.