
Saline vs. Silicone: Choosing the Right Breast Implants in Kansas

Breast augmentation has for years been one of the most sought-after cosmetic procedures. Breast implants are used to augment the size, shape, and symmetry of natural breast tissue. While this decision can be both exciting and empowering, it also comes with an important decision: Women must choose between the two main types of breast implants, saline and silicone.

So which is the best option for your individual needs? Let’s take a closer look at both types of breast implants, as well as some factors you should consider when making your decision.

Saline Breast Implants

Saline breast implants are made of a silicone shell filled with sterile saltwater. They are usually inserted empty, then filled once they are in place. This allows for more precise placement of the implant, even in cases where the woman has one breast that is larger than the other.

Saline breast implants come with some distinct benefits. They are typically less expensive than silicone and offer a more natural look as they move. If they rupture, the saline is absorbed by the body, so any leaks are easily detected. Recovery times and incisions are generally smaller with saline implants. However, one common drawback is that saline implants may feel less natural than silicone ones. Additionally, they have a higher incidence of rippling (a visible wrinkling on the surface of the skin) than silicone implants.

Silicone Breast Implants

Silicone breast implants are made from a silicone shell filled with a silicone gel. This type of implant often feels most like natural breast tissue, causing the least amount of visible rippling. Silicone is known to give the most natural look and feel, and they are often recommended for thinner women or those with less breast tissue to cover the implant.

When ruptures occur, silicone gel will tend to stay within the implant shell, making it harder to detect. Therefore, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) now recommends that women with silicone-filled implants have an MRI every three years to check for ruptures. Additionally, they are often more expensive and require a larger incision for insertion, which leads to a longer recovery time.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Saline and Silicone

As well as the type of implant, there are several other factors you should consider when choosing between saline and silicone breast implants. Firstly, you should choose a qualified and experienced practitioner for your breast augmentation surgery. Consulting with a plastic surgeon who is board-certified and has a proven track record of successful breast augmentations will help you get the best results.

It’s also important to remember that breast implants do not last a lifetime. The more active a woman is or the longer she has her implants in place, the more likely it is that she will need a replacement surgery in the future. Women with silicone implants may have to undergo more frequent MRIs to check for ruptures.

Considering your lifestyle and personal preferences is also a key factor in your decision-making process. For example, silicone implants are often recommended for thinner women looking for a natural look and feel. Additionally, since saline implants are inserted empty and can be filled after they are in place, they allow for more precise implant placement on asymmetrical cases. This is something to consider if you don’t want sacrifices on any of these features.


Choosing between saline and silicone breast implants is a highly personal decision. Your surgeon will also be able to help you make the right choice based on your individual needs and preferences. When you are getting breast implants in Topeka, Kansas, it is essential that you conduct proper research and talk to a qualified professional to ensure you get the best results. Regardless of the type of implant you choose, a successful breast augmentation can boost your self-confidence and enhance your overall appearance.