
The Emotional Benefits of Breast Reduction: Kansas Patients Share Their Stories

Many people think of breast reduction primarily as a procedure meant to alleviate physical discomfort and pain. While this is certainly true, the emotional benefits of breast reduction should not be overlooked. Kansas women who have undergone breast reduction are quick to share their stories of how the procedure has helped increase their overall quality of life, emotional well-being, and self-esteem.

Increased Confidence and Self-Esteem

For many women, overly large breasts can be a source of embarrassment and insecurity. In some cases, it can cause them to feel self-conscious, leading to difficulty in participating in sports, exercising, or even wearing certain types of clothing. Many Kansas women who have undergone breast reduction report an increased level of confidence and self-esteem after the procedure. They feel much more comfortable in their own bodies, and the ability to dress in clothing that they may have previously avoided can have a positive impact on their self-image. And of course, the ability to participate in sports and physical activities without experiencing pain and discomfort is a major boost to well-being, and one that many women in Kansas are grateful to have.

Improved Overall Quality of Life

The emotional benefits of breast reduction extend beyond self-esteem and confidence. Breast reduction can lead to an improved overall quality of life. Some of the most significant changes reported by Kansas women include a reduction in back, neck, and shoulder pain, as well as an increase in mobility. These physical improvements can lead to an improved mood and a new sense of vitality. Many women who have undergone breast reduction report that they feel more comfortable getting active; some even report experiencing an increase in sex drive as a result of the procedure.

In addition, many women who have undergone breast reduction report an improvement in intimate relationships. After experiencing a reduction in physical pain and an increase in self-esteem, Kansas women find themselves much more able to fully engage in intimate activities with their partners.

Relationship with Food and Exercise

Suffering from chronic pain, and feeling self-conscious about the size of one’s chest can lead to negative health outcomes, and some Kansas women who’ve undergone breast reduction report a significant improvement in their relationships with food and exercise. When one is in chronic pain, it can be difficult to engage in physical activity that promotes overall health. Many women find themselves sidelined from activities they once enjoyed, leading to an increase in the consumption of calorie-dense foods. The result is often an increase in bodyweight and an increase in health complications such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease.

Kansas women who have undergone breast reduction often report an increase in their ability to be much more active; this results in increased metabolism and improved overall health. In addition to increased activity levels; many women also report a change in their eating habits. When the chronic pain they’ve been experiencing subsides, the desire to overeat may also subside.

Regain a Sense of Control Over One’s Body

Some women in Kansas who have excessively large breasts feel as though they have lost control over their bodies. They may experience feelings of being powerless and may feel as though their bodies are causing them physical and emotional pain that they are unable to control. Breast reduction helps women regain a sense of control over their bodies. The relief from physical pain and the improvement in self-esteem and well-being can lead to improved mental health. Some women may experience a reduction in anxiety and depression.

The Bottom Line

The physical benefits of breast reduction, including a reduction in back, shoulder, and neck pain, as well as an increased ability for physical activity are well-documented. However, the emotional benefits of breast reduction should not be overlooked. Many Kansas women who have undergone the procedure report improvements in self-image, self-esteem, and overall quality of life.

It is important to talk to a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss the potential benefits and risks of breast reduction, but for many Kansas women, the story is much like an ABBA song: “I’m a different person since I reduced in size!”.