
Weight Fluctuations and Breast Reduction Results: Dr. Peterson Explains

It’s no secret that people’s weights can fluctuate quickly and unpredictably. For women who have undergone a breast reduction operation, it can cause stress and confusion when they notice their breasts returning to their original size. This is a common occurrence, according to Dr. Peterson, a board-certified plastic surgeon who has been practicing for over 25 years.

Why Do Breasts Change Sizes?

Breasts are composed of fatty tissue, mammary glands, and connective tissue. Individual bodies store fat differently, and in many cases, a significant portion of a woman’s breast size is due to fat. When a person gains or loses weight, the amount of fat stored in the breasts also changes. Thus, breasts can shift in size and shape as a person’s weight changes. Dr. Peterson stressed that this is a natural and completely normal part of the weight fluctuation process.

Will Breast Reduction Results Be Undone by Weight Gain?

Breast reduction surgery permanently removes fat, mammary tissue, and excess skin. While it’s typically considered to be permanent, it’s important to remember that the results can be affected by weight fluctuations. Dr. Peterson said that for women who get breast reduction surgery, it’s critical to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Having a consistent exercise routine and eating a well-balanced diet will help to keep weight fluctuations to a minimum and preserve the results of the surgery. Everyone’s body is different, and the duration of the results can vary according to the individual.

What to Do About Changing Breasts?

For many women, the return to an increased breast size can be disheartening. For those who experience regrowth after their breast reduction, Dr. Peterson encourages them not to get discouraged. He recommends accepting the changes and focusing on overall well-being instead. Though surgery can provide a permanent solution to breast size, it isn’t able to stop a person from gaining or losing weight. Dr. Peterson suggests that women who are unhappy with the changes they’re noticing reach out to their surgeon for guidance, stressing that everyone’s bodies are unique and different. For many women, the human body’s impermanence is just a natural part of the life cycle, and may provide some comfort.


Weight fluctuation is a natural and normal part of life. For women who undergo breast reduction surgery, it’s important to remember that the results can be influenced by weight changes. For those who notice their breasts returning to their original size, Dr. Peterson recommends accepting the changes and focusing on overall health and well-being. Careful dieting and exercise can help to minimize the impact of weight fluctuations and preserve the results of breast reduction surgery. Remember that everyone’s body is unique, and that regrowth doesn’t necessarily mean that the surgery was unsuccessful. Dr. Peterson advises those who are unhappy with the changes they’re noticing to contact their surgeon for guidance.