
What to Do Before Your Tummy Tuck Surgery

Are you planning to undergo a tummy tuck surgery? Getting this abdominal fat removal procedure can be an amazing step towards regaining a slimmer overall figure and a more youthful appearance. However, it’s important to remember that before getting your tummy tuck surgery, there are some steps you’ll need to take to prepare for the procedure. In this article, we will discuss what to do before your tummy tuck surgery.

Consult with a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

The first and chief step in preparing for your tummy tuck procedure is to arrange a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. Your surgeon should be highly experienced and skilled in performing tummy tuck procedures as well as other forms of body contouring procedures. During your consultation, the surgeon will discuss with you the various options for tummy tuck surgery, such as whether you should opt for a full abdominoplasty or a mini tummy tuck. They will also explain the risks, benefits, recovery time, and costs involved. After the discussion, you will be able to decide if this procedure is right for you and, if so, when and how your surgery should be conducted.

Arrange Your Pre-Surgery Examinations

After meeting with your plastic surgeon, the next step is to arrange your pre-surgery examinations. This exam typically includes a full health screening, blood tests, EKG testing, and the provision of a comprehensive medical history. It is important that your plastic surgeon has a complete picture of your medical history and health status so that they can secure your safety during the procedure.

Start a Healthy Lifestyle

Although a tummy tuck can really help to transform your overall figure and appearance, it is essential that you proactively prepare for your surgery. The healthier your lifestyle and the healthier your weight, the better your recovery will be and the better your results will be. Therefore, most plastic surgeons recommend that patients start exercising a few times a week and to eat a balanced diet filled with fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Arrange for a Caregiver

A tummy tuck is a major surgery, so you should anticipate needing help around the house and with your daily activities for at least the first week or two of recovery. Make sure to arrange for a family member, friend, or private caregiver to be there to assist you during the recovery process.

Stock Up on Necessities

The last and final step involves taking a trip to the store to pick up your necessities. Make sure to pick up items such as plenty of snacks, easy meals, cough drops, important medications, lotion, and a few button-up tops and sweatpants to make dressing more manageable during your recovery.


Undergoing tummy tuck surgery can be a major and life-changing event, but it is also a course of action that requires a good deal preparation. By following the above steps you can be better prepared for what to do before your tummy tuck surgery. Prioritizing getting a good financial understanding of what the procedure actually costs, focusing on your health and wellness, arranging for a caregiver to assist you during the initial days of recovery, and stocking up on the things you will need most can help to ensure that your tummy tuck procedure is a success.