
Make Rhinoplasty Recovery as Smooth as Possible

Are you ready for your rhinoplasty procedure with Dr. Peterson? If you’re already scheduled to have surgery or are just researching the nose job procedure, here are a few tips that can make your recovery process easier and help guarantee great-looking results.


Get Prepared. Before your procedure, take the time to get ready for your recovery. Ensure that you have a comfortable space to convalesce. You will need to keep your head elevated to reduce swelling of your nose, so you may want to sleep a few nights in a comfortable recliner or chair. Another option is to prop yourself up on pillows, and place pillows on either side of you to prevent moving around during sleep.

We also suggest that you check out Netflix or keep a stack of magazines, crossword puzzles or books handy to beat boredom while you recover.

Take It Easy. The average recovery time for rhinoplasty patients is two weeks. While you may feel great just a week after your procedure, you should take it easy until cleared by Dr. Peterson to return to normal activity.

You should also avoid smoking and alcohol consumption during your recovery (and also before your procedure), as these behaviors can negatively impact your healing. Minimize any jostling of your nose during your recovery that could affect your results.

Take Your Medication. If you’re feeling good after your rhinoplasty procedure, you may be tempted to skip pain medication. Skipping your medicine may mean that you end up in pain later. It is also necessary to take any antibiotics prescribed after your surgery to minimize the risk of infection. Take your medication exactly as prescribed by Dr. Peterson. Ice packs can also help to reduce any pain and swelling you have after your surgery.

Plan Ahead. Since you won’t be able to do normal activities like grocery shopping, cooking or other household activities for a few weeks, we suggest that you stock your fridge and freezer with easy-to-prepare snacks and meals.

Follow Instructions. Be sure to follow any post-procedure instructions given by Dr. Peterson and report any issues you are experiencing. If you have questions about your rhinoplasty procedure or recovery, call Dr. Peterson today at 785-234-9000.