
After Weight Loss


Happy New Year! With the start of 2024 comes a renewed chance to take control of your life and improve your happiness! Whether you’re resolving to read more, pay off debt, buy your first home, or improve your appearance, the new year is a fresh page in your life story! […]


Nothing is ever quite the same after having a baby. Your house is a little messier, you get less sleep and, well, you have a new human to love and care for.  After pregnancy, your body is never quite the same either.  Your hips are a little bigger, you have […]


Having gastric bypass weight-loss surgery or experiencing a significant weight loss brings about many things: new confidence, improved health and feeling better about your appearance. Losing a lot of weight can also leave you with excess skin, which can also mean unwanted bulging, rashes or sweating in certain areas. Dealing with unwanted […]


The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is changing many things for our society. From social-distancing rules to canceling summer travel plans to mask mandates to how kids go to school to even how we shop for groceries, there’s no doubt that things are different, and they’re different here in our office, too. […]

Choosing a plastic surgeon is one of the most difficult and stressful parts of getting cosmetic surgery. The choice you make for your surgeon will influence your life for years to come, and whether or not that influence is a positive or negative one depends on the surgeon you choose. […]

Every year people around the world try to start each January with resolutions to be better versions of themselves than they were the year before. Did you know that studies show that less than 25 percent of New Year’s resolution-makers actually stick to them after the first 30 days? So […]

Losing a large amount of weight – whether through a healthy diet, regular exercise routine or weight-loss surgery – is no easy feat. Significant weight loss often comes with a lot of work, a change in habits and a test of patience. Significant weight loss can also come with the […]

Want to recontour your midsection beyond the limits of liposuction? Think about a tummy tuck instead! The tummy tuck is a procedure designed to give you a shapelier physique by addressing conditions that may cause the midsection to be misshapen. Dr. Peterson performs the tummy tuck procedure and other body-shaping […]

Have you lost a significant amount of weight? If so, congratulations! Are you struggling with excess skin after weight loss? Have you considered a body-lift procedure to remove excess skin and reshape your body? If you’re thinking about a body-lift procedure but are unsure if you’re a good candidate, read […]

We’ve reached that time of year where most of us start adding a winter layer to our waistlines. Leftover Halloween candy lingers until Thanksgiving, giving way to our Turkey Day favorites – pumpkin pie, gravy, and plenty of leftover turkey sandwiches. Then here comes Christmas – which brings not only […]