
Skin Treatments

Sunbather lying on a beach with legs crossed, accompanied by text "Uncover for Summer" and "Jack Peterson, M.D. Plastic Surgery." Address concerns like spider veins with expert care.

Ah, summer in Topeka—the perfect time to enjoy outdoor activities, backyard barbecues, and maybe even a trip to Lake Shawnee for some sun and fun. And as we all know, it can get HOT! We are always looking for ways to stay cool, including wearing breezy shorts and skirts. But […]

A smiling woman with long brown hair rests her chin on her hand, next to text that says, "Age is just a number." Embracing the journey of aging gracefully, "Jack Peterson, M.D. Plastic Surgery" is printed in the bottom right corner.

Welcome to the fountain of youth, where the wrinkles are light-hearted anecdotes, and aging is just another adventure! Aging gracefully isn’t about turning back the clock; it’s about embracing the journey with confidence and vitality. At Dr. Jack Peterson’s, we understand the beauty of aging skin and offer a range […]


When treating your skin for the signs of aging, you have a lot of options. From the standard lotions and potions to trendy treatments like face rollers, from at-home versions of aesthetician treatments to injections and face-lifts, it’s hard to know which solutions work best if you want to combat […]


As the winter season approaches and the sun sits lower in the sky, it’s easy to underestimate the need for sunscreen. However, even during the colder months, the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays can still pose a threat to your skin. In this blog, we’ll explore why sunscreen is a […]

stop smiling

Sometimes aging can leave us feeling like there’s not a whole lot to smile about. In fact, many of us may even think that smiling makes it worse by creating creases in our face around the nose, mouth and eyes. Naturally, you may think if you stop smiling, your face […]

quality skincare

If you want to up your skincare game, it’s important to know the differences between high-quality skincare products and the ones you find at the store. If you’re anything like me, you’ve wandered down the skincare aisle at your local store and found yourself staring at a wall of products ranging […]

chemical peel

Chemical peels are an excellent way to say “out with the old and in with the new” (skin)! These procedures use a chemical solution such as salicylic acid, trichloroacetic acid or glycolic acid to remove the outer layers of skin, revealing a smoother, more even complexion. We offer a range […]

winter skin

Not all winter flakes are snowflakes. Cold temperatures paired with low relative humidity can wreak havoc on our skin, making it dry and flaky. In addition, indoor heating further depletes the skin’s moisture. The result? Dry, itchy winter skin. Skin health is important both for appearance and function. Healthy skin […]


The holidays can be an extremely stressful period of the year for many people. Between holiday parties, shopping, cooking, decorating and entertaining, it feels almost impossible to find any spare moments for yourself to relax.  We understand how important taking care of yourself is during this busy season. That’s why […]


Are you battling acne breakouts this summer? You’re not alone. For many people, summer can wreak havoc on the skin, causing unsightly blemishes. Acne is a common skin condition, but that doesn’t mean you have to live with it. We’ve put together a few tips on how to battle summer […]