Undergoing plastic surgery is an exciting step toward achieving your desired look, but proper recovery is crucial to ensure optimal results. Advances in 2025 have made the recovery process more efficient and comfortable than ever, thanks to innovative techniques, tools, and tips. Here are the top recovery hacks to help […]
Tips and Tricks
You probably already know that plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures can change how you look, but what else can they change? According to some researchers, additional benefits of plastic surgery and cosmetic treatments include job promotions, attracting potential new partners, gaining friends, and even increasing the change of being elected […]
You’ve researched your plastic surgery procedure, checked on your plastic surgeon to see if he or she is board certified and licensed to perform your plastic surgery, and you’ve even checked to see if your doctor has privileges at your local hospital. You’ve asked all the right questions – about […]
So, you’ve scheduled your tummy tuck procedure with Dr. Peterson and you’re getting everything ready for your recovery. Maybe you’ve got your work duties covered, arranged for child care and got help for household chores, but have you thought about what you’re going to eat right after your procedure? Since […]
Snapping selfies may be negatively affecting self-esteem, because while smartphone cameras are relatively advanced, the images they produce distort how you look, according to researchers at Rutgers University. The researchers are concerned that this distortion may be causing people to see flaws that are not there. Scientists from Rutgers […]
We’ve reached that time of year where most of us start adding a winter layer to our waistlines. Leftover Halloween candy lingers until Thanksgiving, giving way to our Turkey Day favorites – pumpkin pie, gravy, and plenty of leftover turkey sandwiches. Then here comes Christmas – which brings not only […]